Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Album Review---Amon Amarth "Deciever of the Gods"

Its that time again when the best viking metal band in Midgard comes to tell tales of gods of old and this time Loki is immortalized in the excellent new album "Deciever of the Gods".  I know some people say its the same thing over and over but thats a positive to me cause its good everytime. The awesome guitar riffs and harmonies, the pummeling double bass that never gets stale, the death metal vocals that you can actually understand, themes of brotherhood and just the awesome song writing(it really is the AC/DC of viking metal) are all present and still enjoyable after 9 albums. Like the first track on all of thier albums the opening track primes you to grab an axe and split skulls with it, and theres really no letting up for the 48 mins of brutal viking tales on this album. "Blood Eagle" may be the brutalest of all the songs on this album due to the torture technique its about and the soundbyte before the music starts really sounds horrific.   Songs like"Father of the Wolf", "Shapeshifter","We Shall Destroy" and "Under Siege" will probably become set staples, but really any of the songs could be. The only song that had some different elements in it is the song "Hel".  It has clean vocals sung by fellow swede Messiah Marcolin from the legendary Candlemass, which is a first for this band, as well as a foray into doom metal for a bit, but do not worry its still Amon Amarth. And like the last few albums it ends epicly and in this case its the song 'Warriors from the North" letting you know your journey is over until next album beckons you to gather arms. The deluxe edition comes with the "Under the Influence" ep of some cover songs.  If you need a new album to buy(not steal) this is a album of the year candidate for sure.  You wont regret it unless you think emmure is awesome.
5 out of 5 meadhorns    

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